A list of useful links, articles and practitioners in the fields. It is not exhaustive!
My article Unwind:Creative Writing, published in Medical Women's Federation Magazine, 'The Viral Issue', page 28-29, Volume 39, Issue 2, Autumn /Winter 2020 ,gives an overview of some ways of starting writing creatively for pleasure, wellbeing, and reflection. I hope some of the suggestions are helpful to get you writing and give you a flavour of my approach to writing.
Resources on Writing in healthcare, social and educational contexts:
My first port of call for excellent resources and contacts in this field is information Lapidus International,"the global association for promoting the practice of words for wellbeing and supporting practitioners working in education, health, community, voluntary, private and public sectors" (page 2 Creative Practices for Wellbeing Practice Guidance,13th January 2020).
The Metanoia Institute (runs the MSc in Creative Writing for Therapeutic Purposes)​​
Types of writing used in Writing for Wellbeing work:
For the principles of journaling, I would recommend the pioneering work of American psychologist, Ira Progoff
For expressive writing, the pioneering work of Professor James Pennebaker
Reflective writing resources are manifold, but I highly recommend the work of Dr Gillie Bolton and Dr Jennifer Moon.
Writing for Wellbeing Practitioners/Facilitators:
There are many excellent practitioners this field, but these are three I have worked with personally, and are well established and renowned for their work in the field and as supervisors of Practitioners and Facilitators.
Dr Gillie Bolton www.gilliebolton.com
Monica Suswin www.monicasuswin.com
Victoria Field www.thepoetrypractice.co.uk
Cheryl Moskowitz http://www.cherylmoskowitz.com/
Related fields:
Bibliotherapy, Poetry Therapy and Creative Writing have long been used in Mental Health Settings, as a part of Occupational Therapy, and they are being used increasingly in other areas such as Primary Care.
The National Association for Poetry Therapy defines poetry therapy as "the use of language, symbol, and story in therapeutic, education, growth, and community-building capacities." Please also see the Irish Poetry Therapy Network.
Arts in Health:
NHS Network Arts in Health is a great resource for groups and events across the UK, as are London Arts in Health Forum, Arts and Health Hub and others.​
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing Inquiry Report July 2017
The Baring Foundation Creative Arts and Mental Health Directory
Social Prescribing an NHS funded, holistic approach to people’s health and wellbeing, whereby Social Prescribing Linkworkers , work closely with those with a range of long term conditions to refer them on to community groups and statutory services for support.
Narrative Medicine:
An area of the Medical Humanities used in the training of doctors and other healthcare professionals .Leaders in this field include::
Pioneered in the US by Dr Rita Charon,Executive Director, CUIMC Division of Narrative Medicine; Professor of Medicine, Columbia University Irving Medical Center​
Dr John Launer GP, Medical Educationalist and writer, UK
Healthcare staff and student resources that support writing and creativity:
cRxeate.: This is a welcoming, free to join,online community,for doctors,dentists and vets, at any stage of their career , which aims to foster creativity and wellbeing, alongside their professional lives.It has been a wonderful support and discovery for me since joining in December 2019.
Re-Humanising is a resource of stories from those in the healthcare field.
CLOSLER based at John Hopkins Medical School whose mission is "Stimulating healthcare professionals and trainees to reflect on giving exceptional care to every patient.'
Narrative Medicine please see above
Medical and Health Humanities- more established in North America in Healthcare Professionals Education, an excitingly growing field in the UK. Please see The Association of Medical Humanities for further information and links.​​